
Friday, June 29, 2007

Transformers and other things!

Here it is, the end of week one. I can't believe I've made it one week... well almost one complete week here. I guess i am forgetting that I lost a day when I traveled here. Anyway, this week has been really eye opening. There are many things that I have seen here, that make me realize how much I take for granted in the States. So I am glad to say that my mindset is transforming. I can't wait for what else this trip has in store for me.

Today we went to the slums. Talk about eating a piece of humble pie. I have never seen people who live in such sad conditions be so joyful about life. It made me realize how bratty I can be when I am the least bit uncomfortable. These people were stopping all they were doing just to catch a glimpse of us Americans. They would rush out of their houses to say hi. We also got to visit a school that has been a recent addition. This school was a part of a ministry who reaches out to the community in the slums. The children were SO CUTE!! They played, sang and danced around all because they had new visitors. I am so glad to see the gospel being taught to this community. I was also glad to see these children receive an education... so that they did not have to stay in the slums forever.

On a lighter and completely random note, I saw the new Transformers movie last night. Incredible. Completely incredible. I think my favorite part was watching all of the guys we went with and their excitement when the movie was over. It was a great night.

Anyway, I think its time for dinner.... I have finally adjusted to the 12 hour time difference :) Thanks for reading. I'll update again soon.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I made it!!!

Well I guess this is the update you are looking for! After 21 hours of flying, I have finally made it to the Philippines! Currently, I am staying in Manila. We are getting adjusted to culture and the way of life out here. Last night, we found out that our group is splitting up and going to various places around the three islands to do ministry. As exciting as that can be, it is really sad to split up. We have been having fun getting to know one another and now we will be splitting in a few days. I will be doing ministry here in Manila around the Nav Headquarters.

The flight here was long but it was good. They fed us two meals and gave us a few movies to watch. So far, things have been going good. I am glad to be here and excited for all the challenges/experiences.

I will hopefully update again soon. Thanks for reading!

Ps, pray for the Crouchs. I love you guys.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

No Big Deal ;)


I'm leaving the country in a few hours! I can't believe this day has finally come. I'm super nervous and really excited, plus a lot of other emotions that I'm not entirely sure of... anyway, please keep me in your prayers. Pray for this trip and our safety. Pray also that the Lord would be glorified through us and our words. I'll post more once I'm there. I'm sure I'll have crazy stories to share about traveling and such. Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Feeling Encouraged...

This past weekend was incredible. I have been praying that I would continue to experience the power of God. So what happens?? I have two Navigator reps fly out from their homes and visit with me for the weekend. They treat my Pastor to a very classy lunch at J. Alexanders, and then visit my church on that following Sunday. We went up front and introduced ourselves. I spoke about the Lord and all that He is doing in/with my life. I received praise and many encouraging remarks at the end of service. It has truly been amazing to cling to the Lord so closely and watch Him work in ways I never imagined.

So as the title says, I am definitely feeling encouraged. I am not up to where I need to be so that I am fully funded. I still have a large amount of money to raise. Despite the realities I am facing, I know that I have an incredible God who always provides when needed. So I do not need to worry because my circumstances do not look the way I wish they did. My God is powerful and that's all that matters.


Now that is something I'm slightly freaking out about. To know that I am leaving the country for an entire month is definitely scary. I've never left before and I have no idea what to expect. I'm nervous and scared that I will offend people because I am not used to their culture. I'm a bit afraid to be bold with the Gospel, (even though I know I have nothing to fear). I fear rejection because I have different skin color than everyone they are used to seeing. Yet again despite all of these fears, I am reminded that I have a God who is bigger and stronger than any of these things that could potentially stand in my way.

So please continue to pray for me. Pray that God will continue to show me His power. Pray that I will be fully funded on time. Pray that ministry in the Philippines will be eye-opening, inspiring, and amazing. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fundraising, Updates and a little more...

"You're gonna make it. I have faith in you. And you're gonna have a fun time in the Philippines. I will pray for you...", says my friend Casey as he walks out of my front door. I really like hearing statements like that. Although, at the same time, they are hard to believe. I want to have faith I'll make it. I want to trust that everything is falling into place. Its just when I don't see all the fruit from my labor, I get ridiculously discouraged. I have been at home in Cincinnati for almost a month now. Since I've been here, my main focus was to get nearly 75% funded before I left for overseas. I don't exactly know where I'm at right now, but I don't feel confident at all. I feel like I don't know what to do. I guess I should stop complaining about how discouraged I am and truly take some bold steps with my amazing Creator.

With all of these feelings circulating in my head, I am brought back to my favorite saying. "God delights in the seemingly impossible." I realized this last year when I needed to raise over $30,000 for my salary and receieved more than what was actually needed. I also realized this thought again when my life looked radically different from how it does currently. I walk with a new step. I strive for better goals. I have a deeper faith in a God who has proved time and time again that He is able. So I will cling to that favorite phrase of mine and continue to press, on because God always has and always will provide.

"I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." -Isaiah 41:9-10