
Monday, August 31, 2009

Today is a big day!

It all starts today. We will be conducting spiritual surveys on campus outside of the dining halls between 11:30-1:00 and 4:00-7:30. During this time span, we will most likely meet almost every student who lives on campus at Cal State Long Beach. Each person must pass by us to enter into the dining hall.

I'm excited to make contact with a chunk of the student body on campus. Pray for us as today is a very influential day.

A run down of the next few days:

Monday: Surveys today and Yogurtland tonight
Tuesday: First Nav nite of the school year
Wednesday: following up on our surveys and hopefully playing games in the dorms
Thursday: same as Wednesday
Friday: Beach Bonfire

Monday (Labor Day): Biking to the Beach
Tuesday: time hanging out in the dorms
Wednesday: Week of Welcome (another large opportunity to meet students, hopefully more who don't live on campus)
Thursday: Tour of Second Street
Friday: Smorgesport (a third opportunity to meet vast amounts of students and play games for free in the student union)

This week is crucial in setting up contacts and making some new friendships. Please be praying for us as we head into such an intense time of relating and making contacts.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to School

"And let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God." --Colossians 3:15-16

This verse has been a prayer for our Student Ministry Team. Tomorrow, we will have our Student Ministry Team retreat. I'm excited to reconnect and get time with my friends from CSULB.

Would you please be in prayer for:
  • Safe travel for all of the students returning to Long Beach
  • Our time together -- may it be encouraging, uplifting and honoring to God
  • Team unity (always a good thing to pray for)
  • The staff team -- that we would feel rested, encouraged and ready to start a new year
  • The students who are moving into the dorms
  • Student move-in -- that we would make new contacts and honor the parents we serving by helping their student move into the dorms.
I'm excited for this year and I'm looking forward to what God is going to do.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for praying.