
Friday, May 30, 2008

Just some thoughts...

Needed a little bit of processing time...

I am so excited for next year. I have been taking time to think back over my life from the past two years and I have gone through a lot of change. I moved away from my comfort zone in Cincinnati and had my world completely rocked. All that I thought I knew was completely challenged and refocused. This process that I am going through can only continue to get better as I walk through it. Not that any of this has been easy. I have wanted to throw in the towel and give up plenty of times. I have fought with myself and attempted to refuse change. I claimed that things were better before, which is completely untrue. As I type this, I am reminded of Jeremiah 29. The popular verse from this chapter says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." I actually encourage you to read this chapter in its entirety because it paints a beautiful picture of what it means to seek for hope in the midst of struggle. The Israelites wanted to give up... they could not see a purpose for being in exile or understand what they were walking through. In Hosea 2:14 God says, "Therefore, behold, I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her." (In the NIV is says "desert" instead of wilderness...) God needed to bring the Israelites (and myself) to a place where we could get away from all that was familiar and actually focus on the things He wanted to say. Anyway, I think that would describe my time here in the desert.

So...if you don't already know, I am moving to Long Beach, CA. I am continuing on staff with the Navigators through Staff In Training. Through lots of time in the Word and praying, I have sensed the Lord calling me to something big and outside of my realm of understanding...(that is what makes me excited to keep going and to continue trusting in the Lord.)

Moving is challenging and I am sad to let go of a lot of things. Its sad that I won't be apart of things here at ASU. I had such a hard time at the end of the year luau knowing that this was the last event for me to participate in with the Navs here. Throughout my time at ASU, I was asked if I had found a home in the desert. I can definitely say that I have. I met people here who became like family to me. These people fought for me to know the Lord in a more intimate way. They prayed for me, encouraged me, called me out, and helped me find truth. These people loved me when I was hesitant to love them back. I don't want to leave that. But again, through prayer and time in the Word, I am encouraged. Experience has taught me that the Lord will provide everything I need. So, I will find more people to add to my family out here in the west. I am excited to meet new people and to allow them to speak into my life as I grow, make mistakes and continue to learn truth. This will be another hard journey, but it will be good.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Internal and Eternal

It's 1 am and I don't know why I'm blogging....

Possibly because I always process my life and things that God is doing during the wee hours of the morning. Here are my thoughts right now.

Today was our "End of the Year" Luau and it was a bit hard. I realized earlier in the day that this was my last event with the ASU Navigators. Wow, sometimes I'm still in shock that 2 years has already gone by.... anyway, leaving this place is and will be hard. I have made some incredible friends here and I don't want to leave them. As I hear about plans for next year at ASU, a part of me becomes jealous and is tempted to question my decision to move. I know that what I am doing is good... God is good and He's the reason why I'm doing it. But leaving behind the old and comfortable SUCKS. Who wants change all the time?

So, while one side of me is venting and desperately attempting to cling to what I know in Arizona, another side... one of reason... kicks in. I am reminded of John 17:3, which says, "And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." This is a part of the prayer Jesus is praying in the garden... right before He's arrested, tried and sentenced to crucifixion. I am reminded that I'm in this job and I minister on campus because I desire so greatly for people to know truth... the truth about God and how His truth will transform lives. I think this has to be more important than my temporary comfort or discomfort level.

So Jesus, I resolve to serve You and You alone. I pray that the Good News would ring out throughout the campuses of Arizona State and Long Beach. Thank you for how you've transformed my life and used me to impact the lives of others. Thank you for great friends at ASU. Please continue to bless the Navigators here at ASU and all of those whom they will interact with. I pray the same for Long Beach. Please help me to always serve you whole-heartedly. I love you. Amen.